
We take responsibility for our future

For centuries, the Black Forest has been home to forging technology. And it’s also our home. People from all across the globe visit the region in order to experience its beauty. We take seriously our responsibility to preserve it for future generations and contribute to sustainable development. And we’re proud to be a leader in environmental and climate protection issues. We act locally and think globally. This very personal ambition of ours, powered by a certified energy management system, continues to drive us toward further improvements in energy efficiency.

Update 2024

Our Mission: To make a meaningful contribution to climate protection through constant innovation. By doing so, we also provide added value to our customers in achieving their climate protection goals.

To better illustrate our ongoing commitment and medium-term objectives, we have developed the NEUMAYER Sustainability Update. This format allows us to communicate transparently and in detail about nearly all activities related to our approach to sustainability in line with ESG criteria, as well as our contribution to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Green Deal:

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“Now it's up to our generation. That is why, over the past several years, our very energy-intensive enterprise has consistently expanded our climate protection measures. Thanks to our innovations and the use of 100% green electricity, we have already reduced our carbon footprint by over 90% compared to 2018. This makes us a pioneer in climate protection”

Dirk A. Neumayer

Renewable energy

We obtain 100% of our electricity from hydropower plants that meet the strict criteria of TÜV Süd certification. We’ve also installed a solar system on the factory roof that generates 650 kWp.

Energy-efficient and resource-saving

We’re progressively switching over to more energy-efficient equipment, we use the forging heat itself for heat treatment of the parts, and we recover the energy from any waste heat that’s left over. As much water as possible is returned to the cycle. Furthermore, the forging processes themselves are designed from the outset to generate as little wastage as possible.

Training & employees

Creating jobs & sharing knowledge
Offering long-term and secure jobs, providing thorough training and further education opportunities – these are all part of our sustainability strategy. We keep our employees up-to-date on our activities around environmental and climate protection, and we encourage them to contribute their ideas. Apprentices can participate in various projects, such as how to put waste process heat to good use. Training on environmental protection is an integral part of the curriculum.

Environmentally-friendly travel

Whenever possible, we travel by train or public transport – and online meetings save us time, money and energy. Plus, anyone who wants to can take advantage of our bicycle leasing. Our company fleet consists of efficient hybrid and diesel vehicles.

We think in multiple dimensions

We’re continually researching, developing and investing in new ways to offer our customers the highest level of cutting-edge forging and machining technology. Mutual trust and close cooperation – between management and employees, and with our suppliers, business contacts and customers – are the driving force behind our innovative strength.

Achieving goals together

We are a partner of the „NOCARBforging 2050“ industry initiative of the forging industry association Industrieverband Massivumformung (IMU), which pursues the goal of CO2-neutral forging. As part of the massiverLEICHTBAU initiative, we are working on reducing the weight of vehicle parts - for lower CO2 emissions and better material and resource efficiency. We are also a member of the VEA-INITIATIVE Klimafreundlicher Mittelstand (climate-friendly SME initiative) to ensure the competitiveness of German SMEs and Germany as a production location despite ambitious climate protection targets. The initiative is campaigning in the political arena for framework conditions that enable climate-friendly and at the same time economical action. Ultimately, we also want to continue to drive sustainable progress as a member of the CDP and have had our targets in our sustainability strategy validated by the Science Based Targets. The initiative examines on a scientific basis whether companies' climate protection targets are in line with the 1.5 degree target.

We are at your disposal
with our expertise.

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